Religious Family

8 October, 2015

Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara

The Institute Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara is an institute of Catholic missionary sisters dedicated to prolonging the Incarnation of the Word through the evangelization of culture. They were founded in 1988 by Fr. Carlos Miguel Buela, IVE and belong to the Religious Family of the Incarnate Word.

They wish to take seriously the demands of the Gospel in going “to make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:18) as modern missionaries, seeking to fulfill their religious vocation to be Spouses of Christ by living deeply the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience.

Servidoras with Mother Anima in Italy

The sisters wear a distinctive blue and gray habit as a sign of their total consecration to God and as a living symbol of the mystery of the Incarnation—blue representing the divinity of Christ, and grey the humanity of Christ. Their bright blue scapulars are also a way to honor the Virgin Mary, to whom the sister are consecrated in a fourth vow of Marian slavery of love according to St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort.

The sisters also take new religious names which are all titles of Our Lady as a way to keep her before their eyes always as the model of religious life and the sure guide to bring them always closer to her Divine Son. To sum up in the words of their foundational text (#7 of Constitutions): “We want to be founded in Jesus Christ who has come in the flesh (1 Jn 4:2), and only in Christ, and always in Christ. We want Christ to be in everything and in all, and all of Christ, because the Rock is Christ (Cf. 1 Cor 10:4.), and on no other foundation can anyone lay (1 Cor 3:11).”

Information is taken from:

Third Order of the Incarnate Word

The Secular Third Order was established for those faithful among the laity who desire to share in the spirit and charism of the Religious Family of the Incarnate Word. The members of the Third Order not only share in the spirit of the Institute, but they also share in the desire to reach sanctity within their own proper vocations and lead other men and women, especially their families, to be “other Christs” in the world, sharing in the redemptive work of the only Redeemer of mankind, Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word.

Members of the Third Order can participate in three levels:

  1. Lay faithful who freely devote themselves to the spirit and work of the Religious Family through a private vow.
  2. Lay movements that unite themselves to the mission and work of the Religious Family.
  3. All of the faithful – lay, priests, and religious – who are benefactors, friends, and even family members of our religious who wish to share in the spirit of our Religious Family, forming the Brotherhood of the Incarnate Word.

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