Cornelio Fabro Symposium

22 April, 2016

Three priests sit at the Introductory Panel: Fr. Nathaniel Dreyer, IVE, Fr. Gianluca Trombini, IVE, and Fr. Joseph Henchey, CSS.

From April 1st – 2nd, the Institute of the Incarnate Word (IVE), in conjunction with Catholic University of America School of Philosophy (CUA), was pleased to host a first-ever symposium on the life and writings of Fr. Cornelio Fabro, the Stigmatine priest from Italy whose passion for philosophy led to a prolific writing career throughout the course of the twentieth century. The event was held in Aquinas Hall on the campus of CUA; present throughout were family members (including a niece and cousin) and contemporaries of Fabro such as Fr. Joseph Henchey, a fellow Stigmatine and student of the Italian cleric.

At the onset of the event, an introductory panel of three speakers gave several interesting anecdotes related to the man himself. The first speaker was Fr. Nathaniel Dreyer, IVE Coordinator of the English Language Division of the Cornelio Fabro Cultural Project. Next spoke Fr. Gianluca Trombini, IVE, Director of the Cornelio Fabro Cultural Project in Italy, followed by Fr. Henchey from Mundelein Seminary.

Following the introductory panel was a talk given by Msgr. John Wippel of Catholic University of America regarding Fabro, Participation, and the “Quarta via” of St. Thomas Aquinas. The day came to a close after a talk by Dr. Gregory Doolan – also of Catholic University – on the theory of Participation and Double Exemplarism, Diremtion and Derivation of the Formal and Transcedental according to Fabro and St. Thomas Aquinas.

The following morning, participants convened again and were graced with a talk given by Fr. Jason Mitchell of Gannon University on Thomas Aquinas and Fabro on the metaphysics of participation and the theory of grace. Following Fr. Mitchell was a presentation by Dr. Joshua Furnal of the Radboud University Nijmegen on Søren Kierkegaard and how much the Danish philosopher impacted Fabro’s thought. The symposium closed in the afternoon after a reading of Dr. Patricia Pintado’s presentation of Cornelio Fabro’s thought on the roots of modern atheism. (Due to illness, Dr. Pintado of Mundelein Seminary could not attend in person.)

The Institute of the Incarnate Word is very grateful to all of the individuals (several of whom came from as far away as Europe) who were able to attend the symposium. The IVE is also blessed to have had the support of Catholic University of America and the Faculty of Philosophy. Let us ask Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, to intercede for us her children as we follow the example of Fr. Cornelio Fabro in the pursuit of wisdom.

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