The Start of a New Academic Year

16 September, 2017

Institute of the Incarnate Word (IVE) and the Ven. Fulten Sheen House of Formation New Academic Year 2017/18
During the Blessing of the Houses at the Ven. Fulten Sheen House of Formation, on September 8th, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The seminarians of the Institute of the Incarnate Word at the Venerable Fulton Sheen House of Formation are back home to kick-off the new Academic Year! This last summer the seminarians were engaged in many apostolates and activities, such as three popular missions, 30-day spiritual exercises, intensive philosophy courses, and convivencia in Wyoming. It is always a great bless for the seminarians to start a new Academic Year, to return to the studies of philosophy, theology, language, scripture, history, etc.. St. Peter reminds us the importance of studying, “Be ready always with an answer to everyone who asks a reason for the hope that is in you”. (1 Pt. 3:15)

The Academic Year was officially inaugurated on September 8th, the Feast of the Nativity of Our Blessed Mother. The evening started with the Blessing of the Houses lead by Fr. Mariano Vicchi, IVE, Rector of the the Ven. Fulton Sheen House of Formation. Afterwards the priests and seminarians joined by the sisters of Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara gathered at the Parish Hall of St. John Baptist de la Salle for the lectio brevis given by Fr. Daniel Cima, IVE, who is a member of the General Council of the IVE in Rome. Fr. Cima highlighted the importance of our intellectual formation while emphasizing that in right philosophy we can truly and properly live out our vows. “We must be willing and have courage to lose all our members, but the priest should not lose his head”: in this we will be faithful to our vocation.

Afterwards the priests, seminarians and sisters partook in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass presided by Fr. Cima and offered for the fruits of the Academic Year. Fr. Vicchi, in the Homily, reminded the the seminarians and sisters to always remain faithful to the Word of God, meditating on it daily, faithful to the Church and her head the Pope, and faithful to our own personal vocation.

After Mass everyone returned to the Parish Hall for dinner and a moment of community.

We commend this year and all its fruits to the Intercession to Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom.

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