Photos and videos of the week March 19th 2018 – 30th Anniversary of the Foundation of Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara

24 March, 2018

Feast of Saint Joseph
30th anniversary of the foundation of the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara.


On the 19th of March we celebrated our 30th anniversary, under the paternal protection of Saint Joseph. All of the Servants of the Lord gathered in Rome, together with the fathers of our Religious Family, members of the Third Order, friends and benefactors.

The Holy Mass in Thanksgiving was celebrated by Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco in the Basilica of St. Paul outside the walls. It was concelebrated by his Excellency Arjan Dodaj, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Tirana in Albania, Mons. Giorgio Chezza and Mons. Giuseppe Laterza, counselors for the Italian Nunciature with the Holy See, Father Gustavo Nieto, General Superior of the IVE, Father Ernesto Caparrós, Provincial Superior in Italy, and priests from our religious family.

The province of Italy offered Saint Joseph a golden lily as a sign of our eternal gratitude for his paternal protection toward all the members of our Institute. The General government offer the Virgin of Lujan a crown with the IVE shield and a cross of Matara, in order to renew our consecration to her as Queen of our hearts.

After the Holy Mass, the celebrations continued with a festive lunch. We give thanks to God for the paternal protection of Saint Joseph during these 30 years of foundation, and we thank him for the gift of the vocation to religious life in this Religious Family!!!

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On the same day, the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, after praying Vespers, we had the grace of venerating the mantle of Saint Joseph and the Veil of the Virgin Mary, that have not been venerated publicly for 400 years. The relics are in the Minor Basilica of Saint Anastasia, in Rome.

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Some pictures from the feast

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Perpetual Vows

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Matins in the Monastery

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Choir St Cecilia in the Ceremony of perpetual vows


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Perpetual Vows on the Feast of St. Joseph, March 19th, 2018 – Sisters Balbanera and Betzaida.

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“Saint Joseph, Guardian of Virgins”

We celebrated the solemnity of St. Joseph with great joy and a spirit of thanksgiving for being the guardian of our Institute during these 30 years of foundation. Here in our province of Peru we also celebrated 30 years since the Institute of the Incarnate Word has been missioning in these lands.

We began by praying Matins, for which all of the sisters of the province gathered in the chapel of the Monastery. This celebration was special since we held the coronation of St. Joseph, and placed a ring with the inscription: “Guardian of Virgins” on his finger. This ceremony was presided by Father Esteban Cantisani, IVE.

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Perpetual Vows on the Solemnity of Saint Joseph.

The Holy Mass was celebrated by the priests of the IVE in the Church of Saint James the Apostle in Tiabaya. Two sisters professed there final vows, and two novices made their first profession.

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Renewal of Vows. During the Second Vespers of the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, 6 sisters renewed their vows under the care of Saint Joseph, Guardian of Virgins.

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The sisters from the Province of Peru offered Saint Joseph a ring engraved with: “Guardian of Virgins”

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Festivities of the 30 years of Foundation

After the Holy Mass, we gathered in the “Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro” IVE seminary, where we had a festive lunch with the families of the sisters, members of the Third Order, the children from our homes, and the members of our Religious Family of the Incarnate Word.

During the fogón (show), Mother Peace shared a few significant anecdotes from the time of the foundation, since she is one of the sisters there at the beginning of our beloved Institute, 30 years ago.

We give thanks to God for so many blessings received during this time of foundation.

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Celebration of the 34th anniversary of the Institute of the Incarnate Word and 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Servidoras

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Monastery in Velletri, Italy

Monastery of L’Olleria, Spain

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Anjara, Jordan

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Hong Kong

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The Monastery on Brooklyn, USA

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Washington DC, USA

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Concert in honor of St Joseph.

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Aleppo, Syria

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Vic, Spain

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Cairo, Egypt

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The Monastery in Luxemburgo

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Madrid, Spain

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Tenerife, Spain

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The Monastery in Tenerife

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Previous Activities
Pilgrimage to the first chapel of the Servidoras in the “Saint Joseph” Novitiate

Together with the sisters of the Province we made a pilgrimage to the “Saint Joseph” Novitiate asking for vocations for our Religious Family.

We set out a 4:30 in the morning, and while we walked, prayed the rosary and remember the joys and sorrows of our Beloved Patriarch.

On our arrival we had adoration and the Holy Mass.

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Choir practice of the “Saint Cecilia” choir for the solemnity of Saint Joseph, March 19th “Iesus Bleibet” of J.S. Bach (Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring)

Greetings from other congregations 

Today is the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara, the feminine branch of the Institute of the Incarnate Word.

The Daughter of the Holy Family sent us this video with the prayers that they are offering for us.

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