Photos and videos of the week: May 18th 2018

18 May, 2018

First Contemplative Monastery in the Far East

A True Joy From Heaven Awaited for more than 20 Years!

The holy mass of the inauguration of the monastery was presided by the bishop of Hsinchu, Mons. Lee, who had invited the contemplative sisters, and was concelebrated by Mons. Liu Tan Wei, accompanied by 12 priests, among them 5 of the IVE priests missioned in Taiwan, and the provincial, Father Miguel Soler.

Altogether about 160 people participated in the Mass.  During the Mass, before the final blessing, the contemplatives read a prayer to Our Lady of Sheshan, patroness of the monastery, and offered her a bouquet of flowers. Mother Victorias offered Mons. Lee a Cross of Matara from Argentina, a replica of the original, also carved in mistol.  After Mass, the two bishops blessed the facilities of the monastery, accompanied only by the contemplatives and Mother Victorias.  Afterward they celebrated with a lunch and a small show in the parish facilities.  It was a true joy from heaven, awaited for more than 20 years!!!…

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Pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of La Virgen del Cisne, (Our Lady of the Swan) Youth of Ecuador

La imagen puede contener: 7 personas, exterior

First Encounter of Las Voces del Verbo (Voices of the Word) in Barcelona, Spain

La imagen puede contener: una persona, sonriendo, exterior

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Provincial Chapter of the Servidoras in San Rafael, Argentina

La imagen puede contener: 14 personas, personas sonriendo, árbol, multitud y exterior

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Consecration of a Chalice for the Sanctuary of “El Cristo de la Quebrada” in Thanksgiving for the Foundational Grace

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Holy Mission in Taichung, Taiwan

La imagen puede contener: 13 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie e interiorLa imagen puede contener: 13 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie e interior

Visit to the Families, Girls’ Home in the Philippines

La imagen puede contener: 6 personas, personas sentadas

Floral Games and other Activities in the Home

La imagen puede contener: 8 personas, personas sonriendo, personas sentadas

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Inauguration of the Hostel in Cotahuasi, Peru

La imagen puede contener: 3 personas, personas de pie

What is a Peruvian Sister Doing in Devastaded Syria? – Interview

La imagen puede contener: 2 personas, personas sonriendo, gafas y primer plano

First Communions and Confirmations in Iceland

La imagen puede contener: 4 personas, personas sentadas

Feast of the Most Holy Cross of Characta, Peru

La imagen puede contener: 2 personas, personas de pie, montaña, cielo y exterior

Iraq, Feast of Saint Mar Addai, Disciple of Saint Thomas

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Pilgrimages in the Monastery of Valvanera

La imagen puede contener: 17 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie y boda

Feast of the Apostles Philip and James, and of “Nuestro Señor de la Quebrada” in Egypt

La imagen puede contener: 20 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie, boda e interior

More Families Consecrated to the Sacred Heart, Paraguay

La imagen puede contener: 4 personas, niño(a) y exterior

Visit of the Bishop of Hsinshu, Taiwan, to the General House of the SSVM in Rome

La imagen puede contener: 6 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie, de traje e interior

Holy Mass in the Coptic Rite in Bethlehem

La imagen puede contener: una persona, de pie

Pro Life Activities in the Philippines

La imagen puede contener: 8 personas, personas sonriendo, personas sentadas

Concert by the Altar Servers Group “Voices of Our Lady of the Rosary” Ecuador

Saturday, April 21, the folk group “Voices of Our Lady of the Rosary”, made up of altar servers from our parish in Loja, offered a concert in commemoration of their first anniversary.

The presentation took place in the Bolivar Theater, one of the main cultural centers of the city.  Many people were present, of special note were the mayor, the president of Zamor Huayco, the priests of our institute, and a great number of our parishioners.

Let us pray for our altar servers, who through music are bringing Christ to others.


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Tunisia, Visit with the Youth to the Ruins of the Ancient City of Thurbu Maius

La imagen puede contener: una persona, sonriendo, cielo y exterior

Month of Mary in Syria

La imagen puede contener: una persona

Play: The Holy Vicereine, Ecuador

La imagen puede contener: mesa e interior


Visit the New Website of the Province of Our Lady of Loreto

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Read the Journal of the Parish in France

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Vocational Discernment Days, Germany

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Family Days in Germany

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Spiritual Exercises!


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