Photos and videos of the week: November 2nd 2018

3 November, 2018

20th Anniversary of the vows of Mary of All Saints, Confessor of the faith.

It was exactly twenty years ago, on a day like today, that María Vsiex Sviatix (her religious name in Russian), professed her vows of chastity, poverty, obedience, and Marian slavery in our Institute.

At the age of eighty-six, she knelt before the altar in the simple chapel in Buguruslan, Russia, and received her new name and the holy habit. At the same time, she received the ring of a spouse of Christ from the hands of Msgr. Clemens Pickel, Bishop of the Diocese of Saratov.

This woman, who was called at a young and tender age to consecrate herself to God, spent her life serving Him, not in the monastic cell but in a cold jail cell, within a Communist concentration camp and in strict secrecy.

She who longed ardently to make known the One who is the “Light of the World” had to do so underground because of the militant atheism of the Soviet regime; she thus became a confessor of the faith that saves and sanctifies the world.

On September 26, 2005, she entered eternity to celebrate her wedding with the Lamb. The Religious Family of the Incarnate Word rejoices in counting her among its members who from Heaven intercede for all.

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Perpetual Profession of Padre William – Germany


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10th anniversary of the Servidoras in Le Canet – France

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10 years missioning in Iceland

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17 Servidoras made their first vows in USA

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Religious profession; First vows in Spain

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90,000 souls in charge – Tanzania

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Feast of Our Lady of Palestine in Deir Rafat – Jerusalem.

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New Licenciante in Philosophy

On Thursday October 28th, Sister Maria Virgen de la Lucila graduated from the Urbaniana  University in Rome with the Thesis “Liber est qui sui causa est”

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The Queen of “La Plata” (Our Lady of Lujan) Arrives to Saint Theodore, Genoa – Italy

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First anniversary in the Monastery of Valvanera – Spain

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Solemnity of All Saints

Video of the feast in France

Santiago del Estero – Argentina

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New York, USA

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La imagen puede contener: 6 personas, personas de pie, boda, árbol y exterior

Granada – Spain

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Limatambo, Mollepata – Peru

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Phoenix, AZ – USA

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SSVM Aspirancy in Alexandria, Egypt

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San Luis – Argentina

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House of Mercy and school in Cairo – Egypt

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Home for elderly in Tenerife (Canary Islands)

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Holy Mass at the cemetery in our Motherhouse, San Rafael – Argentina

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The Mission in Albania

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October news, from the Seminary in Brazil

(Video in Portuguese)

Third Order

Coronation of Our Lady of Lujan in Brunssum, Holland.

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In Ukraine

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Pilgrimage of the novices in Brazil

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Students of the Cairo School visited the Home of Mercy in Egypt

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Youth pilgrimage to Guadalupe – Spain

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Marathon 2018 – Humanities High School, San Rafael – Argentina

St John Paul the Great School Choir – Peru

19 Children and Young people were baptized in the parish of Oruro – Bolivia

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Visit to a Syrian family refugees in Erbil – Iraq

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Voces Verbi in Argentina: day of Charity in the Divine Providence Home of mercy.

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Marian devotions in the parish of Our Lady of Lujan in the Philippines

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Feast of Saint Lawrence Ruiz

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La imagen puede contener: 5 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie, boda e interior

First Communions in the chapel Saint Aloysius Gonzaga in Paraguay

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Novena and patron feast in the Chapel Saint Raphael

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Mission in Lithuania: Oratory

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Project: construction of a kindergarten in Ukraine

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Meeting of Religious in Aleppo – Syria

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Pilgrimage to the Virgen of La Salette, Servidoras in France.

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Outing with children in Anjara – Jordan

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Feast of Our Lady of Aparecida in Brazil at the Incarnate Word Parish – Brazil

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Course on Catholic Culture: “The Little Prince” in San Rafael – Argentina

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Presentation about the Feast of All Saint in the Novitiate in Ukraine

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Pizza with the youth of Luxembourg

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Painting the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament in the Monastery in Valvanera – Spain

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 “40 Hours” Message from Father Luis Prado IVE

Triduum in honor to St Jude Thaddeus in the Parish Saint Jose Anchieta – Brazil

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Outing with children from 1st and 2nd grade from the school St. Michael the Archangel in Santiago del Estero – Argentina

La imagen puede contener: una persona, sentada, mesa e interior

Concert by a Folkloric group from the parish of Loja – Ecuador

La imagen puede contener: 13 personas, incluido Luis Angel Marquez Armijos, personas sonriendo, personas de pie

Welcome to Marie Fleur du Carmel in the Monastery of Tuscania

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 Home of Mercy St Hannibal of France – Peru

Welcome to Father Paulo!

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Thank you to Abraham, because you are like a necessary piece in the puzzle of our life.

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The First Tanzanian vocation returns as a missionary to Usheto

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Ora et Labora” Monastery of L’Olleria – Spain

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Birthday Party in Alexandria – Egypt

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Upcoming events and invitations

International meeting of youth in Luxembourg

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Voces Verbi – Italy

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Spiritual Exercises

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New mathematics professor in “Isabel la Catolica” San Rafael -Argentina

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