Photos and videos of the week: December 21st 2018

11 January, 2019

Orvieto, 5 Novices Received the Cassock and 15 Novices Received the Holy Habit

La imagen puede contener: 2 personas, personas de pie y bodaLa imagen puede contener: 5 personas, personas de pie

La imagen puede contener: 3 personas, personas de pie

Veneration of the Corporal of the Eucharistic Miracle after the Holy Mass


La imagen puede contener: una persona, sonriendo, tocando un instrumento musical, sentada y guitarra

Videos of the whole ceremony, including the homily

Youth Mission – Celebrating the 15 years of our Religious Family in La Plata, Argentina

jt0DAsnL1QFuc6A6Z rur2QhB4Ylh79Z7uoy9 d1lo5pP1J9kZhbMutHDGCunbVeEryNgELNXbN2Of s1W9DcKFyD6KbTtz0YBs6y017CAWphOlMpaqPFMiY6XXHawM0hMANpiGGF00GVvAKjEQzTICJSR tKOuS WI LxAytYDUL9F07Fgv3lOWAlTxK 2GpRzEkaB erVsEVXCJ71GrRfdCnuu8U9JyWvMr4 vF 8HxrS93t7viYuB YOp8VHLyA5fVysbeculwUGK8B3uxFhUqZ5EDJ8kjAdaFOI0408 paK35YZOSjxown nq0yhToPHgDZw4cHDUpfaZu5gPiU15Td81wkQf7Qej7j5ZOhWuH5Y81aGpoCP9FyvV7gfweDIeBkGt4HeERdPAw4AAgTAauOrR1xp s98PMP2bG qneNvgokRrBGvJTFTpMbdUXhAS2hjX6aGhruZ3ijRrknO qvpgmIK2ejQAwyMCcQIBWPa5tN1MF2qdH LAcRD7uRmgUlm7ScMYYcyrSzgMF9n0YlLHW NtzEhKaYDfC8K4NNPIWWPzyZcMJtKgCrri fd4hK2cQUFbZG2G2k w1uAM4 G9qAlJVME18gGw6 KgJ4O4 MX5NlkP1I0A5kuMBRMoM6ebKRPVf3wEJtSjSn crsPfA7q yNWBRxzoyDd8o4Yp20GZIAtAI2OMoArb GNXAWoVJ6UmenkQ=w1040 h585 no - IVE America

Perpetual Profession in Paraguay

Video of the Holy Mass

4 New Lectors and 8 Acolytes in the Ven. Fulton Sheen Seminary, USA

La imagen puede contener: 17 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie y boda

Gaza, Visit of Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa and Christmas Festivities

La imagen puede contener: 8 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie y de traje

La imagen puede contener: 4 personas

XIX Encounter of Voces Verbi in Frascati, Italy

La imagen puede contener: una persona, de pie, multitud y exterior

La imagen puede contener: una persona, sentada, gafas e interior

The Catechism Children go to Visit the Elderly in the Hospital, Zhongli, Taiwan

La imagen puede contener: 2 personas, personas sentadas

Visiting the Sick in the Hospital with the Faithful, Parish of Saint Paul in Cypres

Living Nativities

Arico, Tenerife

La imagen puede contener: 2 personas, personas sonriendo

Parish of St. Anthony, USA

La imagen puede contener: una persona, flor

House of Mercy “San Camilo de Lellis”, Ecuador

La imagen puede contener: 5 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie

Parish of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, San Rafael, Argentina

La imagen puede contener: una persona, en el escenario

House of Mercy for Children in Anjara, Jordan

La imagen puede contener: 15 personas, personas sonriendo

Floral Games

La imagen puede contener: 5 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie

New Statue of Our Lady in Karmes, Iraq

Erected a few days ago at one of the churches, so she can protect the people, and so she is visible from all sides, and to remember her tender love for her children.

The Cross and the Virgin are not absent in any of these blessed towns which suffered for the love of Christ, and since their victory over Isis they have multiplied as a reaffirmation of the faith for which they suffer persecution…

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They are not just numbers…Tanzania

Ushetu, Tanzania, December 20, 2018

I think that when I write news, one of the things that gets the most attention is the numbers. We speak of hundreds, two hundred, three hundred … and it seems incredible. It is admirable, really, and we always thank God. But those of us who are in the mission are not surprised so much, because this is the way it always is …

La imagen puede contener: 16 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie, boda, multitud y exterior

Holy Mission at Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Brazil

La imagen puede contener: 25 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie y exterior

La imagen puede contener: 2 personas, exterior

La imagen puede contener: 3 personas, calzado, niño(a) y exterior

Vocations from the Middle East and Africa in Italy

Visit to the Major Seminary in Montefiascone – Italy. During his visit to Italy, Fr. Gabriel Romanelli, IVE Provincial Superior of the Middle East and Africa, wanted to visit and talk with each one of the seminarians from the Middle East and Africa studying philosophy and theology at the “San Vitaliano, Papa” international seminary.

La imagen puede contener: 7 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie

Spiritual Exercises in the Holy Land

Echoing what our directory of spirituality says: “We want to imitate the Incarnate Word also in his 40-day retreat, to overcome ourselves and order our own life according to God,” 8 sisters and a consecrated laywoman of the Province “Our Lady of Sorrows” did their annual Spiritual Exercises …

La imagen puede contener: una o varias personas e interior

Gathering of Religious in Bethlehem

La imagen puede contener: 4 personas, personas sonriendo, personas sentadas, mesa e interior

Saint Nicholas in Russia. Parish of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

La imagen puede contener: 45 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie e interior

The Virgin of Lujan also arrived to the Community in Emmitsburg, USA

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Festivities for the 60th anniversary of the Parish of St. Peter and St. Paul

More Photos of the Pilgrimage of the Seminarians to Loretto

La imagen puede contener: 2 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie y exterior

Posadas: House of Mercy Saint Martin of Tours

La imagen puede contener: 2 personas, personas sonriendo, personas sentadas y exterior

Men’s Group Setting up the Nativity Scene in the Parish of St. Edith Stein, Holland

La imagen puede contener: 7 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Patronal feast in Peru

La imagen puede contener: 8 personas, personas sonriendo, exterior e interior

La imagen puede contener: 3 personas, calzado

La imagen puede contener: 2 personas, personas de pie, calzado y exterior

Alexandria, Egypt

We were able to celebrate with great joy and solemnity the Feast of the Patroness of America and Patroness of the house of mercy for disabled boys and men: Our Lady of Guadalupe in Maryout, in the City of Charity, together with our disabled boys and men, and also with the Mothers and Sisters of our Religious Family …

La imagen puede contener: una persona, sonriendo, de pie

Holy Spirit Parish in Brazil

On the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a young man from the Xavante tribe was baptized.

La imagen puede contener: una o varias personas


Volunteers from Holland in the Mission in Ukraine

La imagen puede contener: 17 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie

Feast of Saint Nicholas with the Children, and Bringing Gifts to those Most in Need.

La imagen puede contener: 25 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie

La imagen puede contener: 2 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie, árbol y exterior

La imagen puede contener: 22 personas, incluido Одеса Сестри-монахині, personas sonriendo, personas de pie

La imagen puede contener: 16 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie e interior

Pro Life Activities with the Youth in the Hague, Holland

La imagen puede contener: una persona, sonriendo, sentada y exterior


In France

La imagen puede contener: 2 personas, personas de pie


La imagen puede contener: 10 personas, personas sonriendo



Monastery of the Holy Family, Sepphoris. “They Visit us from Tunisia”

Dear Friends:

A week ago, by the grace of God, we were able to receive the superior of our monastery in Tunisia, Fr. Luis Miguel Martinez, together with a group of faithful of various nationalities, currently residing in that country and parishioners of the monastery…

La imagen puede contener: 3 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie e interior

Contemplative Sisters

Monastery Blessed Gabriela of the Unity, Pontinia, Italy

La imagen puede contener: interior

Monastery Holy Patrons of Europe, Valencia, Spain

Monastery Saint Paul of the Poor Clares, Tuscania, Italy

La imagen puede contener: una persona, de pie

Superiors’ Meeting – Servidoras of Spain

La imagen puede contener: 6 personas, personas sonriendo, personas sentadas e interior

Pizza with the Youth, SSVM Novitiate, USA

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Birthday Celebration in the House of Mercy “Niño Dios” of Bethlehem, Holy Land

La imagen puede contener: 8 personas, personas sonriendo

Marcelino’s Progress

Games with the Catechism Children, Parish of Saint Expeditus and Our Lady of Aparecida, Brazil

La imagen puede contener: 6 personas, personas de pie

Volunteers in the House of Mercy Saint Annibale of France, Peru

La imagen puede contener: 16 personas, personas sonriendo, personas sentadas e interior


Spiritual Exercises


La imagen puede contener: una persona, texto


La imagen puede contener: una persona, texto


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Concert in the Cathedral of Tunis

La imagen puede contener: una o varias personas y texto

Project Wake نp

La imagen puede contener: texto


Reunion of Vocations in Bella Vista, Argentina

Beautiful Testimonies from the Holy Mission in the Parish of Our Lady of Fatima, Brazil

Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that He Send Workers to His Harvest (Spanish)

Little School “House of the Angels” in the House of Mercy “Niño Dios,” Bethlehem, Holy Land


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