Feast of Cristo de la Quebrada
Anniversary of the Foundational Grace
Three Novices Receive the Cassock in Ecuador
27th Anniversary of the Foundation of the “Saint Joseph Benito Cottolengo” House of Mercy, Peru
Feast of Saint Catherine of Siena
The sisters from the Juniorate in San Rafael, Argentina, renewed their vows on the feast of their holy Patroness.
Holy Mass in the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary in Rome where they venerate a relic of Saint Catherine of Siena.
The Servidoras of the houses of formation went to Saint Peter’s to pray for the Holy Father and for the Church, imitating the Holy Doctor of the Church, Patroness of Italy and Europe.
Festivities in the city of La Plata, Argentina
Feast of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla in the Monastery in Brazil
Formation Course for University Students in Philippines
Divine Mercy Sunday and the Easter Season in the Missions
Pascueta for the Priests of the Province of Nuestra Senora del Pilar (Our Lady of the Pillar), Spain-France
During the Octave of Easter almost all of the priests of the province gathered in the monastery attended by our monks. There we had two days of conferences with Father Jorge Lopez Teulon about the Sacred Heart and the influence of this devotion on Spain and the martyrs of communism of the last century
Saint Tarcisius Minor Seminary, Brazil
“Divine Child” House of Mercy in Bethlehem
Divine Mercy Sunday in Taiwan
Three youth were baptized and received holy communion. There was a gathering with the Spanish speaking families and a meeting of the youth group.
Easter Sunday in Ukraine
Easter Vigil in France
Pascueta with the Crusaders for Jesus Group in the City of La Plata, Argentina
Holy Week
Alexandria, Egypt
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Ecuador
Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity Monastery, Peru
Exposition on the Passion in the Saint Cristina Aspirancy, El Cairo, Egypt
Spiritual Exercises during Holy Week
San Rafael, Argentina
Tucuman, Argentina
Minor Seminary in Brazil
Spiritual Exercises for Religious and Women in Brazil
Retreat and Iconography Course in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Retreat for the Adoration Group in the City of La Plata, Argentina
Feast of Our Lady of La Penha, Brazil
Celebration of the Cultural Tradition in the School in Tunisia
Graduations at the Holy Family School in Gaza, Palestine
Inauguration of the Dining Hall for the Students in the Oruro School, Bolivia
Meeting of Voces Verbi in Argentina
Easter Outing with the Employees of the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem
Superiors Meeting in Tarragona, Spain
Photos of the Concert of the Children’s Choir in Anjara-Jordan
Group of Nazarenes on Mission
Outings with the “Grandpas” of the Saint Martin of Tours House of Mercy, San Rafael
Third Order Meeting in Taiwan
Missionaries in Cotahuasi, Peru
Visit to the House of Mercy of the Missionaries of Charity with the Catechesis Students in Gaza, Palestine
Saint Anibal of France House of Mercy in Peru
Once again we thank God for his Divine Providence, and we thank the whole team of the Prescott School