Youth Festival in Ecuador
Feast of Saint Rita in the “Incarnate Word” Monastery in San Rafael, Argentina
Biblical Studies in Brazil
Voces Verbi Meetings
21st Meeting in Montefiascone, Italy
Villarica, Chile
Summer Missions in the Province of Our Lady of Sheshan – Far East
Feast of Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, Patron of the “Marcelo Morsella” Novitiate in Chile
Festivities for Our Lady of Fatima, Patroness of the Province, in Jabarobsk, Russia
Patronal Feast of Our Lady of Fatima in the Parish in Santiago de Compostela
Our Lady of Lujan in Tanzania
Feast of Blessed Crescencia Perez, Patroness of the Community of Servidoras in La Plata
Blessing of an Icon Offered to the Cathedral of Tunisia
The Novices Went on Some Excursions to the Mountains, Chile
“40 Hours” Adoration Project in Gaza
Pilgrimage of the Novices in Italy to the Shrine of Mentorella
Our Lady of Lujan Arrived to the “John Henry Newman” Community of Servidoras in Egypt
Spiritual Exercises for Women in Chile
Saint Joseph Parish in Iceland
Saint Christopher Parish in Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Outing in Tabgha with the Children from the Divine Child House of Mercy in Bethlehem
Pascueta (Easter Celebrations during the octave of Easter) in the Parish in Ecuador
Consecration to the Sacred Heart in the Bera School, Spain
Ecumenical Concert in the Cathedral of Baghdad, Iraq
Holy Mass for the 300th Anniversary of the Death of Saint John Baptist de la Salle in Ibiza
First Communions
Pro Life Formation in the Parish of Our Lady of Lujan in Philippines
Festivities for Saint Joseph the Worker in the Houses of Mercy of San Rafael, Argentina
Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Lourdes in Emmitsburg, United States of America
Pilgrimage of the First Communion Children to the Monastery of Valvanera
Festivities of Our Lady of Cartago, Patroness of the Residence for Youth in Tunisia
Outing to the Island of Djerba and the Ancient City of Ruspe, Now Chebba, Home of Saint Fulgentius (VIth c.)
School in Tanzania
May Cross in Granada
Procession in Supplication to Don Orione of the Members of the City of Charity in San Rafael, Mendoza
Entrance of a Religious to the Monastery of Tuscania, Italy
Javeriada (Pilgrimage in Honor of Saint Francis Xavier) for the 2019 School Year
Human and Christian Formation Course in the Saint Michael the Archangel Baccalaureate, in Santiago del Estero
Oratory in the Luxembourg Spiritual Center
Retreat Day in the General House of the Servidoras
Visitors from Germany to the Parish of the Exultation of the Holy Cross in Russia
Feast of Thanksgiving in Gaza, Palestine
Construction Began on the Church of Our Lady of the Good Voyage, (Buen Viaje) San Rafael, Mendoza
Feast of the “Saint Gianna Beretta Molla” Mothers’ Group in Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
News from the Saint Anibal of France House of Mercy in Peru
Inauguration of the Monastery of the Servidoras in Cerdeña
Camp in Lithuania
Youth Festivals in Luxembourg and Peru
Spiritual Exercises
Come and See Retreats
Procession in Saints Peter and Paul Parish in Hong Kong
School Mission in Hong Kong
Why Must Youth Go On Mission?
Solemnity of Our Lady of Lujan in Argentina
Why be Chaste? (In Italian)
Videos About Saints Who Lived the Passion in a Special Way, Prepared by the Minor Seminarians in Italy (In Italian)
Saint Gemma and the Passion
Saint Catherine de Ricci