Solemnity of Pentecost
Ordination to the Diaconate in the Our Lady of El Pueyo Monastery
San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina
Thirteen Novices Received the Cassock
Saint John Paul II says that the value of the religious habit (the cassock) “is not only because it contributes to the decorum of the priest in his external behavior and the exercise of his ministry, but above all because it gives testimony within the ecclesiastical community of the public testimony that each priest is called to give of his own identity and his special belonging to God.” We give thanks to God for these novices and commend them to the Most Holy Virgin Mary.
Live Video of the Ceremony
14 Novices Received their new Religious Name
Malena Abuchacra – María Virgen Cándida (Mary Virgin Without Guile)
Lujan Ambrosini – María Virgen Pura de Luján (Pure Virgin of Lujan)
Fátima Chacón – María Niña Bienaventurada (Mary Blessed Child)
Paola Coronel- María Consuelo del alma (Mary Consolation of the Soul)
Fátima Diaz – María Victoria de la Fe (Mary Victory of the Faith)
Fátima Godoy – Maria de Jesucristo (Mary of Jesus Christ)
Luz Gonzalez – María Inmaculada de Jesús (Mary Immaculate of Jesus)
Rosario Juri – María Medianera de las Gracias (Mary Mediatrix of Graces)
Roció Moyano- Maria Alegría del Alma (Mary Joy of the Soul)
Salomé Moyano – María Esposa Predilecta (Mary Favored Spouse)
María Silva – María del Verbo Redentor (Mary of the Redeeming Word)
Antonella Toledo – María Amparo en la Cruz (Mary Refuge in the Cross)
Carmen Venturini – María Icono de Jesús (Mary Icon of Jesus)
Andrea Villarino – María Madre de Cristo Sacerdote (Mary Mother of Christ the Priest)
Bethlehem, Palestine
Parish of the Holy Spirit in Brazil
Cathedral in Tunisia
Monastery of Valvanera
Perpetual Vows of the First Servidora from Guyana
Reception of the Ministries of Lector and Acolyte in Ecuador
Feast of Saint Joseph of Anchieta in the Major Seminary in Brazil
The Religious Family in Italy on Pilgrimage from Macerata to Loreto
80 000 people participated in this pilgrimage to the house of the Most Holy Virgin. The holy mass with the religious family took place in the chapel of Saint Joseph Benedict Labre in the crypt.
Feast of the Saint Anibal of France House of Mercy in Peru
17th Youth Festival in Peru
More than 400 youth participated from the various missions.
Youth Festival in the United States
First Communions in Aleppo
Mother Corredentora Visits the Monastic House of Formation in Tuscania, Italy
160 Confirmations in Hsinchu, Taiwan
Traditional Procession in Honor of Saint Willibrord in Luxembourg
Two New Postulants in the Monastery in Argentina
Youth Camp in Ecuador
Spiritual Exercises for Women in Hong Kong and in the Monastery in Taiwan
Apostolate in the House of Mercy in Alexandria, Egypt
Outing with the Youth from the Parish of the Exultation of the Cross in Ulyanovsk, Russia
German Feast in the Pope Saint Vitaliano Seminary in Montefiascone, Italy
House of Mercy in Ukraine
New Apostolate in the Makabata School in Metro Manila, Philippines
Gathering of Volunteers in the Saint Joseph Cottolengo House of Mercy in Peru
Pilgrimage to the Tombs of Saint Mark, Apostle, and Saint Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, in Egypt
Unforgettable Camp in Ukraine
March for Life in Ukraine
Learning to Take Care of the Plants in the “Divine Child” House of Mercy in Bethlehem
Feast with the Benefactors in the Monastery of Tuscania, Italy
Visiting Our Lady of Fatima with the Perseverance Group of the Saint Rose of Lima Parish in La Plata, Argentina
Preparations for the Upcoming Youth Festival in Luxembourg
Spiritual Exercises
Come and See
Offer a Decade of the Holy Rosary for the Fruits of the 2019 IVE Meeting
The Priest and the Sacred Heart
(In Spanish)