Photos and Videos January 10th, 2020

11 January, 2020

January 6th, Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord and Eastern Christmas (Byzantine, Coptic and Greek Rite)

Ukraine (Bizantine Rite)

Twentieth Anniversary of the Parish of the Nativity of Our Lord in Ivano-Frankivsk


81758891 2268862310080732 1846204705936506880 n - IVE America

81950337 132724394867078 4303012319501221888 n - IVE America


Parish in Ivano-Frankivsk

82043105 1055451018121643 7160960691577290752 n - IVE America

81711197 1053454794987932 7872465807056306176 o - IVE America

Parish in Vinnytsia

82533283 181585969907690 4398537318491750400 n - IVE America

83077830 182386276494326 2112327154543886336 n - IVE America

81416962 1054477188219026 2772068426523344896 n - IVE America

Parish in Dubovomu

82576427 1257878701079601 3948198465518960640 o - IVE America

82888082 1257486397785498 6753207470136492032 o - IVE America

Parish in Ckadovs Ku

81494524 781201695736607 1629089556458373120 o - IVE America

81473671 782048585651918 7944818847599558656 n - IVE America

Parish in Kramatorsk

81702367 132735921532592 3190994666082271232 o - IVE America

Vigil Mass in Tuscania, Italy (Byzantine Rite)

82417819 864335994023595 8814712942386741248 o - IVE America



Christmas Mass in Montefiascone, Italy

81662675 864402450683616 841113407267536896 o - IVE America

Coptic Christmas in Anjara, Jordan

81819503 2767556716630180 3452921520051978240 o - IVE America

Greek Christmas in Siberia


Christmas in the Latin Rite Missions


82056650 2772247809517597 7081058537341714432 o - IVE America

Bethlehem, Holy Land

The Children from the Home of Mercy were able to Participate in the Procession with Baby Jesus in the Basilica of the Nativity, in Bethlehem, Holy Land

82012406 2582284402004470 1113906219258478592 n - IVE America


Saint Pio Pietrelcina School, Ecuador

Consecration of the Province of Our Lady of Sorrows to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Pilgrimage to the Church of Our Lady of Loreto in Taiwan

81483070 2401092113351392 8399181556647723008 o - IVE America

81206199 2401092150018055 3616773959753662464 o - IVE America

Tenth Anniversary of the Foundation of the Residence for University Students in Tunisia

81257907 3188425697853513 6600960706378465280 o - IVE America

Confirmations in Ushetu, Tanzania

See all the photos

Vocations Festival in the Diocese of Hong Kong

81245980 2401127370014533 185380490826481664 o - IVE America

Pilgrimage of the Sisters from the Provincial House in Italy to Siena and Montepulciano in Preparation for the Year Dedicated to Saint Catherine

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Floral Games in the Seminary in Philippines


The Course for University Students (Universitas) has Begun in Brazil


25 Couples Renewed their Vows on the Feast of the Holy Family in Taichung, Taiwan

81738270 2401094853351118 1066627476962148352 o - IVE America

Visit of Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, Archbishop of Genoa, to the Contemplative Community Blessed Maria Vittoria de Fornari Strata

81505019 462719137753891 1442162396368994304 n - IVE America

Pilgrimage on the Feast of the Child Jesus in Lojlo, Santiago del Estero, Argentina

Spiritual Exercises

Philippines, Taiwan and Hong Kong

ver todas


Novitiate in the United States

81984185 1043693292643451 3938735385550520320 o - IVE America

Turin, Italy

81467811 2680127915368813 752358079894388736 o - IVE America

Outing with the Oratory Children from Kazakstan

81760130 3093549793991506 3125366595136782336 o - IVE America

Winter Camp in the Parish of Saint George, in Omsk, Siberia

81397917 2623160784579236 5570610228300349440 n - IVE America

A New Member in the Saint Gemma Galgani Novitiate in Tuscania, Italy

82323202 461977964494675 1049966379697963008 n - IVE America

Convivencia (Community Time) of the Sisters in Argentina

82409326 2522219054729150 1976349194327162880 o1 - IVE America


The Altar Servers and Daughters of Mary from the Parish of Saint Joseph of Anchietta Went on an Outing to See the Great Nativity Scene of the Heralds

81279021 1980380712108526 1114958688109461504 o - IVE America

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Holland

81007596 2772264196182625 6547041858743173120 o - IVE America

Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Di Canetto, Italy

La imagen puede contener: 15 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie e interior


82095320 630063884404526 5991887335388610560 o - IVE America

81662678 2531820593583421 6360532199539736576 o - IVE America

81591445 580122289055550 2690775982784118784 n - IVE America

81535336 628251757919072 1112946843823636480 n - IVE America

81465108 2658971080850532 6165042614123888640 o - IVE America

81872322 1438140906335873 548105455524642816 o - IVE America

80889740 2521078407990973 2249545625869746176 o 1 - IVE America


82345235 2531193600312787 98485820595372032 n - IVE America



The Mystery of the Nativity, Presentation of the Children of the Divine Child Home of Mercy in Bethlehem

Planning the Year that is Beginning

IVE Communication Team

Institute of the Incarnate Word

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