January 6th, Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord and Eastern Christmas (Byzantine, Coptic and Greek Rite)
Ukraine (Bizantine Rite)
Twentieth Anniversary of the Parish of the Nativity of Our Lord in Ivano-Frankivsk
Parish in Ivano-Frankivsk
Parish in Vinnytsia
Parish in Dubovomu
Parish in Ckadovs Ku
Parish in Kramatorsk
Vigil Mass in Tuscania, Italy (Byzantine Rite)
Christmas Mass in Montefiascone, Italy
Coptic Christmas in Anjara, Jordan
Greek Christmas in Siberia
Christmas in the Latin Rite Missions
Bethlehem, Holy Land
The Children from the Home of Mercy were able to Participate in the Procession with Baby Jesus in the Basilica of the Nativity, in Bethlehem, Holy Land
Saint Pio Pietrelcina School, Ecuador
Consecration of the Province of Our Lady of Sorrows to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Pilgrimage to the Church of Our Lady of Loreto in Taiwan
Tenth Anniversary of the Foundation of the Residence for University Students in Tunisia
Confirmations in Ushetu, Tanzania
Vocations Festival in the Diocese of Hong Kong
Pilgrimage of the Sisters from the Provincial House in Italy to Siena and Montepulciano in Preparation for the Year Dedicated to Saint Catherine
Floral Games in the Seminary in Philippines
The Course for University Students (Universitas) has Begun in Brazil
25 Couples Renewed their Vows on the Feast of the Holy Family in Taichung, Taiwan
Visit of Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, Archbishop of Genoa, to the Contemplative Community Blessed Maria Vittoria de Fornari Strata
Pilgrimage on the Feast of the Child Jesus in Lojlo, Santiago del Estero, Argentina
Spiritual Exercises
Philippines, Taiwan and Hong Kong
Novitiate in the United States
Turin, Italy
Outing with the Oratory Children from Kazakstan
Winter Camp in the Parish of Saint George, in Omsk, Siberia
A New Member in the Saint Gemma Galgani Novitiate in Tuscania, Italy
Convivencia (Community Time) of the Sisters in Argentina
The Altar Servers and Daughters of Mary from the Parish of Saint Joseph of Anchietta Went on an Outing to See the Great Nativity Scene of the Heralds
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Holland
Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Di Canetto, Italy
The Mystery of the Nativity, Presentation of the Children of the Divine Child Home of Mercy in Bethlehem
Planning the Year that is Beginning
IVE Communication Team
Institute of the Incarnate Word