With great joy and confidence in the intercession of the Virgin Mary, we invite you to offer this month to Our Heavenly Mother in preparation for consecration to Her. In doing so, we are filled with the lively hope that She may reign in the hearts of all. It is through Her, that Christ reigns in the whole world.
The preparation will follow the method of St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, who was a missionary in France. He wrote and gave to the Church his valuable text, “True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.” Many Christians have followed his method including many saints.
In order to gain greater fruit from this consecration and in order to be a true slave of the Holy Virgin Mary, in imitation of Jesus Christ, we recommend dedicating—with joy and a great freedom of spirit—about ten minutes each day to these two points:
• The first is to consider a section of the Treatise of True Devotion which we will indicate for you.
• The second point consists in preparing oneself by the consideration of some texts and recitation of some prayers which will be proposed, always following the wise counsels of St. Louis Marie.
In conclusion, those who desire to embrace this particular form of devotion, should spend at least twelve days in freeing themselves from the spirit of the world, which is contrary to the spirit of Jesus Christ. Then, there are three weeks dedicated to filling one’s soul with the spirit of Jesus Christ by way of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
It only takes a few minutes each day to dedicate time to the points that we mentioned; therefore, each should seek to have the greatest possible recollection. Additionally, one must always keep in mind that the fruit of this consecration is a weapon that God gives to those who want to be saved…
If many embrace the True Devotion to Mary, we can rightly expect that Jesus will truly reign in the world. Such a Kingdom can come about only alongside His Mother.
“Treat me, Virgin Mary, as the last of your children and the first of your slaves.”
So that together we may say: Totus tuus, Maria! I am all yours, Mary!
Religious Family of the Incarnate Word
Province of the Immaculate Conception, USA