Marian Consecration – April 29h, 2020 – Day 2

29 April, 2020

Second Day: April 29, 2020

Our Lady is the secure path that always leads to her Son.

Someone will object (and unfortunately it is often said even by Catholics) that devotion to Mary hinders our union with Jesus. Sacred Scripture affirms that in Christ—and in no one else—is there salvation; “There is no salvation through anyone else, nor is there any other name under heaven given to the human race by which we are to be saved.” (Acts 2: 12).

Jesus is the Son of God. Mary is his creature. When are founded on the Word of God, we are certain that it is the will of the Son that the Mother is the Mediatrix of each of His saving works. As Saint John Paul II said, God wanted Mary to “actively collaborate” with her merits in the Incarnation, in the birth, in the Presentation at the Temple, in the thirty years of hidden life, and in the death of Jesus. At Cana of Galilee, Jesus obliged himself to carry out his first miraculous sign through the intercession of His Mother, and thus he fulfilled all his mysteries through Mary. If the Son of God wanted to submit himself in this way to the Mother: “How highly God is glorified when, to please Him, we submit to Mary, following the example of Jesus Christ, our only model!” exclaims Saint Louis Marie.

Therefore, if we want Christ to reign, there is only one way: “Jesus Christ began and continued his miracles through Mary and through Mary he will continue them until the end of time.” St. Augustine said: “The world was unworthy to receive the Son of God directly from the hands of the Father. He gave it to Mary so that the world would receive Him through her.”

This is a mystery unknown to many Christians; therefore, St. Louis Marie writes:
My heart has dictated with special joy all that I have written to show that Mary has been unknown up till now, and this is one of the reasons why Jesus Christ is still not known as he should be. If then, as is certain, the knowledge and the kingdom of Jesus Christ must come into the world; it can only be as a necessary consequence of the knowledge and reign of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She who first gave him to the world will establish his kingdom in the world. (True Devotion, 13)

May Jesus Christ reign through the Virgin Mary!

Religious Family of the Incarnate Word
Province of the Immaculate Conception, USA

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