Photos and Videos June 20, 2020

1 July, 2020


Orvieto,Italy, Procession Where the Eucharistic Miracle of Oriveto Orginated at the Feast of Corpus Christi

104874359 3047942738587327 4940154153579815980 o - IVE America

Papua New Guinea

0f951494 e27f 44b6 84d4 d54de134df9c - IVE America

Germany, Solemn Vespers with Youth of the Voces Verbi Group

“Voces Verbi”

Shymkent, Kazajstan

82963238 2643626645958589 1168420775296178604 o - IVE America

Cathedral in Tunisia

bf87bfa9 15c9 4292 99c3 e029d0e18324 - IVE America

Monastery in Pueyo, Spain

103252494 1604099293086788 2271553226369010035 o - IVE America

Monastery in Tunisia

d6fa6db2 d0d6 4ba5 9ee3 e08d9eccf692 - IVE America

Taichung, Taiwan

103367710 2755106064616660 7512268317557931641 o - IVE America

Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Cairo, Egypt. (Chaldeon Rite)

104199797 10223580722012982 283671739629004570 n - IVE America

Marcel Javier Morsella Novitiate in Chile

83521338 2742510652645057 5705926759595324907 o - IVE America 104184548 2742510492645073 9092570604592027230 o - IVE America


102419763 2763932367168743 5273849105908820982 o - IVE America

Holy Family Monastery, Seforis

103373135 2831432780409562 4513155721642812228 o - IVE America

Novitiate in Ecuador

103416437 254641045965556 7723094132112370580 o - IVE America

Holy Land

St. Anthony and Immaculate Heart of Mary Parishes in Arizona, United States.

104302345 1171604976518948 5691840012152895972 n - IVE AmericaThe Faithful Consecrated Themselves to Mary on that Day

84021610 1171605249852254 408540844515635115 n - IVE America

St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Santiago del Estero, Argentina

103612818 826931401164623 1533240117944787115 n - IVE AmericaDayuan, Taiwan

103419008 3083870115008607 8027123039923171011 o - IVE America

General House Community in Rome

104200919 2420949431340768 406527683472149159 o - IVE America


104220353 157248109192087 2208514743897968845 n - IVE America

Contemplative Community Saint Edith Stein in United States

104332900 556401481718989 3777997839985611053 n - IVE America

St. Joseph Parish in Brazil

103530957 2157269067753022 4204455179359981534 o - IVE America

Contemplative Community Ecce Homo in Holland

83622937 636411573616316 1276888424828986711 n - IVE America

Contemplative Formation House in Genova

82969038 554252591933878 2795803075741482513 n - IVE America

Contemplative Community Madonna Delle Grazie, In Velletri, Italy

104158941 555257815166689 7976371976893179573 n - IVE America

Contemplative Community St. Teresa of the Andes in Argentina

104730082 556432811715856 3230913763476644442 n - IVE America

Formation Houses in Peru

103635319 3017597401654563 5915670088356425302 n - IVE America

Monastery in Valvanera, Spain

Contemplative Community Saint Joseph, in Albania

104410750 555870725105398 4000618861234074386 n - IVE America

De Vic Cathedral, Spain

104289343 675566809511097 4594166027408726776 n - IVE America

Monastic Juniorate in Tuscania, Italy

83393941 556368291722308 2492148044285525765 n - IVE America

Home for Young Girls in Guayaquil, Ecuador

104659508 594141671224171 6301274806799245948 n - IVE America


104335483 260771742032226 859724091833464238 o - IVE America

National Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes in the United States

104294119 1172524133093699 7800057012926111628 n - IVE America

Parish in Cotahuasi, Peru

104069349 3017329865014650 7333362537453112610 n - IVE America

Sacred Heart Parish in Peterborough, Canada

96086310 1173175639695215 4218858247557241662 n - IVE America

Our Lady of Caacupe Community, Paraguay

103767065 744440272966886 313116836465478446 n - IVE America

Oratory in Holland

104056553 3174530405956000 3421694327154106001 o - IVE America

Avondale, United States

104229828 1171183919894387 8941341139127476634 n - IVE America 83159033 1171184066561039 2323962628457441002 n - IVE America

St. Paul Parish in Harlem, United States

104146357 1170623119950467 2352984030522987980 n - IVE America

St. Cyprian Parish in Washington DC, United States

104206227 1170619946617451 2435595448279257503 n - IVE America

House of Mercy St. Martin of Tours in Argentina

102442890 2653233218294399 5416403191112150999 o - IVE America

SSVM Novitiate in Ecuador

83576934 1623531224491127 497328273616391957 n - IVE America

Parish St. Veronica in Philadelphia, United States

104094852 4389516761062153 6767053413712767506 o - IVE America


104110717 1171362193209893 3635038174182567059 n - IVE America 104187356 1171362916543154 1657258783108857588 n - IVE America

General Alvear, Parish of the Sacred Heart, Argentina

104710909 2655955814688806 6148069780243796094 o - IVE America

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Consecration of the Delegation Our Lady of Lourdes to the Sacred Heart

738d47d3 3ce9 4bc3 978e 529fdc4a260b - IVE America

Consecration to the Sacred Heart in Dallas, United States

104827205 2648223205498933 3098544085009824985 o 1 - IVE America

To the Sacred Heart, Praying for Vocations, Missio Sui Iuris in Tajikistan

28f6923e 9540 4b61 a44a d8d14f0c3a4c - IVE America

Various Families Enthrone their Homes to the Sacred Heart in Brazil

104427402 2813889168721840 5979355126672325420 o - IVE America

104309985 3157682090965419 2506049544874772362 o - IVE America

Coronation of the Sacred Heart in the Contemplative Community in Velletri, Italy

ca4894ff 1240 43fa a9be 07398b4abb17 - IVE America

Raising Spiritual and Material Churches in Tanzania

104481738 3839751349433103 5962980258527368848 n - IVE America

I ask for Baptism with All my Heart

103978924 3815804938494411 6884589903628320894 n - IVE America

Feast of St. John XXIII, Patron of the Minor Seminary in Italy

104150927 980054149118445 5125420691815196276 o - IVE America

Feast of St. Joseph of Anchieta in the Parish who has him as Patron in Brazil

104429375 2159031280910134 1190167122274367646 n - IVE America

Pilgrimage of Mom’s to Cotignac, France

105490201 4048693338505892 3771085053522099091 n - IVE America 104883182 4048693511839208 2832475687906235554 n - IVE America

First Masses in the Parish St. Joseph of Anchieta in Brazil

103981570 2158307607649168 7720818310579731285 o - IVE America

The Novices of Argentina Recieve the New Name of Mary

First Communions in the Parish St. Peter and St. Paul in Mankato, United States

103383566 3382564931788207 1858667060674547712 o - IVE America

Baptisms in Cyprus

103295865 2721649998105482 7236925488366873651 o - IVE America

Procession in the Houses of Formation in Loja, Ecuador praying for Vocations

103663027 594113221227016 1170778603684658401 n - IVE America

Litanies and Hymns in Honor of Our Lady of Protection in the House of Monastic Formation in Genova, Italy

Pilgrimage to Some Churches of Trastevere in Rome

104191301 3052848948096706 7149511576958935273 o - IVE America

The Youngest of the Parish Holy Family in Gaza

104447847 157805189136379 639941899215801058 o - IVE America

104332039 157797835803781 8674191280998292355 n - IVE America

Helping the Families who are Most in Need in the Parish in Zamora Huaico, Ecuador and at Holy Spirit Parish in Brazil

104176774 296166544751787 4338149727930774369 o - IVE America

104210648 3160081897392105 1361762978826012101 n - IVE America

The Arrival of the Third Sister to the Mission in Baghdad

104350798 2933849283400817 2587659544002710612 n - IVE America

Oratory in Iceland

103675152 3108444315845073 4313123223688062635 o - IVE America

Welcoming a new Little Girl in the House of Mercy in Cairo, Egypt

104191301 143479660640964 7319163079464282695 o - IVE America

Apostolate in the House of Mercy in the City of Chariy in Cairo, Egypt

103850035 142847910704139 1511410333085316427 o - IVE America

Outing in Kalivac, Albania

104345528 880120189132954 3949823616143359847 o - IVE America

Reopening of the St. Thomas Aquinas Center in Gaza

104997841 158256405757924 1435486916246448968 o - IVE America


Diaconate Ordination in Pueyo

Recieving Cassocks

Holy Mass of Corpus Christi in the Mother House

Novena to the Sacred Heart

Are We Capable to Understand the Heart of Jesus? (Spanish)

The Promises of the Sacred Heart

The Sacred Heart in the Eucharist

Virtual Pilgrimage to Paray Le Monial, City of the Sacred Heart

Interview of Father Diego Cano IVE, Missionary in Tanzania (Spanish)

Jesus Christ in St. John of the Cross (Spanish)

Daily Homilies(Spanish)

Are Word’s Important? (Spanish)


Eucharistic Adoration of the 40 Hours Project in the First Chapel of the Religious Family (Spanish)

Thanks to Your Prayers, My Son is A Priest (Portuguese)

The Mystical Body of Christ Attacked

Resolutions and Generosity (Italian)

Twenty Years of Being Present in the Mission (Ukrainian)

Small Catechesis for First Communion (Cantonese)


104421565 3287064894671577 1016509152851750770 o - IVE America

104362195 675638682837243 4010312365632184840 o - IVE America

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