Photos and videos of the week: August 21, 2020

23 August, 2020

Ordinations to the Priesthood and Diaconate in Ukraine

The 8th of August the Priest was received into the priestly order

117473006 201389518000565 1929133171189818860 o - IVE America

On August 9 the Seminarian Simeon Savitsky was received into the order of the Diaconate.

117444282 201701731302677 516986693857206690 o - IVE America

Final Vows in the United States

118196284 10157746532569247 2496812709332616129 o - IVE America

Perpetual Vows and First Vows in the Philippines

117783768 2918769431583655 6262141648232271394 o - IVE America

First Vows in Ukraine

117384763 780723379362202 6224577262972017332 o - IVE America

New Foundation of the Servidoras in the Holy Land

Bet Afram, a home for the elderly in Taybeh, belonging to the Latin Patriarchy of Jerusalem

117672822 3331597626892750 8945992401822078131 o - IVE America

The Transfiguration of the Lord

Traditional Polyglosis in the Seminary in the Philippines

Celebration and Polyglosis in the Province of Our Lady of Aparecida in Brazil

117302036 2952677918176297 4869590973024776868 o - IVE America

117342465 2952676281509794 4815061693468109874 o - IVE America

117226869 584383595590286 782526958391797068 o - IVE America

Culture week at the Novitiate in Brazil

117259758 2947142805396475 4047155849908372672 o - IVE America


117292790 173160884267476 5194003531627178269 o - IVE America

Baghdad, Iraq

117174275 3076309742488103 6099093719823676027 o - IVE America

Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary

Holy Land

Patron Saint Feasts in Limatambo, Peru

117772184 3178541638905033 566083151571442281 o - IVE America


117770482 4332561156785774 3024849678499344807 n - IVE America

Maryland, USA

118081041 1219923028353809 5116974857715654151 n - IVE America


117905721 910748556073126 1581610138050304602 n - IVE America

Monastery in Tunisia

117913800 1685107828333720 912489255730865433 o - IVE America


117931583 175568804026684 5651460159035064427 o - IVE America


117983530 961628504338975 4346531465469129022 n - IVE America

Monastic House of Formation in Genoa, Italy

First Bible Meetings and a New Acolyte in the Monastery Del Pueyo

118084700 1664498683713515 8158402946900937042 o - IVE America

117771757 1660662004097183 3588829551211495541 o - IVE America

Feast of St. Tarcisius, Patron of the Minor Seminary in Brazil

117841275 2978924832218272 2242756527374317269 o - IVE America

Patron of the Altar boys in the parish of St. Jose de Anchieta, Brazil

First Mass of Father Pio Naser Abadir in the City of Charity, Egypt

117182514 160325408956389 8358021368588788907 o - IVE America

Consecration to Mary and Activities in the Novitiate in Charity, Guyana

118177802 10157743878944247 6780788826852420824 o - IVE America

Feast of St. Cayetano in San Rafael, Mendoza

Fr. Ortego’s Library in Tanzania

118004019 4123993347675567 3371416622926644243 o - IVE America

Feast of St. Maximillian Maria Kolbe

Patron of the Apostolates of the Press

117380720 2972844622826293 1794711733783633877 o - IVE America

The Visit of the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Lujan to the St. Joseph Novitiate and the St. Catherine Juniorate

117351444 2697548430529544 3601696720580250414 o - IVE America

Feast of St. Anne, Patroness of the Women’s Group and the Reunion of the St. Joseph group in Gaza

117312659 173159777600920 3152418937437260064 o - IVE America

117338037 173631690887062 2724835642144100130 n - IVE America

Pilgrimage of the Sisters of the Province of Mary the Gate of the Dawn

117387308 3327325947343111 7576105943668666375 o - IVE America

117356852 3324282674314105 1719395800926602911 o - IVE America

117175572 3315275338548172 6965617556251354108 o - IVE America

Opening of “St Joseph Bakery” to help “St Michael Archangel High school” in Santiago del Estero, Argentina

118150678 2655748751305216 5694157821837757927 o - IVE America

The Arrival of Our Lady of Valvanera to Papua New Guinea

Melodium regarding the History of Music in the Seminary in Brazil

116873927 2956299894480766 6803254043327307021 o - IVE America

Vocational Camp and “Come and Follow me” in Taiwan

117643248 2918736728253592 3825515037974565124 o - IVE America

117869558 2918720588255206 4610539959124805929 o - IVE America

Presentation regarding Our Lady in the Novitiate in Brazil

117732144 2986808184763270 1117621206877015222 o - IVE America

Visit of Our Lady of Lujan to the Families in Taiwan

116698937 2888003977993534 3748137559961485078 o - IVE America

Some Moms of the Forty Hours Project in Brazil

116757228 2948015938642495 6161466928833092685 o - IVE America

Marriage in Seleli, Tanzania

117444862 4088436734564562 22792515984273241 o - IVE America

Beginning of Classes and Oratory in Gaza

117415095 173489017567996 4309704017462908774 o - IVE America

117362092 173494190900812 887681302599523740 n - IVE America

116908855 173622650887966 8298855982637753100 o - IVE America

117642411 174884980761733 3082560125661109899 n - IVE America

Spiritual Exercises in Russia

117571763 647166749486260 9133382395469610100 o - IVE America

News from the Monastery of the Holy Family in Seforis, Holy Land

117871499 2885427321676774 1961146541577782896 o - IVE America

Contemplative Novitiate in Argentina

117716683 2708782466072807 3534201103631546648 o - IVE America


Community Outing and the Renewal of Temporary Vows in Ecuador

118157644 635836357054702 6737384777017151836 n - IVE America

118211573 637411730230498 4246005533889320405 n - IVE America 117966829 593942144631589 5674658987076715123 n 1 - IVE America

Holy Mass in El Cerro San Lorenzo on his feast day

117329918 3480287888656833 8801665206669209748 n - IVE America

Workshop of Missionary Rosaries and the Reorganizing of the Archives in the Diocese in Tunisia

113893887 3725004654195612 5659092828498153601 o - IVE America

116564968 3746677962028281 7039670816052341314 o - IVE America

Pilgrimage to the Monastery of the Martyrs of St. George in Cairo

117951612 911658795982102 7836313095862573393 o - IVE America

Reenactment of the Wedding at Cana in the House of Mercy, Child Jesus in Bethlehem

Theater Production from the Youth of the House of Mercy Sacred Heart in Chile

Olympic Sports

117349396 3307224879320788 384187120896341669 o - IVE America

Every Saturday the St. Joseph Dining room growth in the City of La Plata, Argentina

117883008 3164733883623871 6949791026796949719 n - IVE America

Pilgrimage to the Monastery of Viterbo

Found here is the Venerable Maria Benedetta Frey, a Cistercian Religious who gave 52 years of her life for the Pope, Priests, and Seminarians

117877163 3215671191814480 7465439913659154782 o - IVE America

Assistants to help in the Parish Our Lady of Lujan in the Philippines

117962660 1710690112416834 7428172581264085873 n - IVE America

Open Day of the Christian Families in Gaza

118158098 176932593890305 3731303639542787041 o - IVE America

Repairs in the St. Joseph Chapel in Omsk, Russia

117329918 3480287888656833 8801665206669209748 n 1 - IVE America

Patriotic Feats in Peru

117771127 3189654774448824 8339857533598088074 n - IVE America

Thank You to the Volunteers during the Summer Activities in Taiwan

116702361 2887983187995613 5931297697869388718 o - IVE America

Contemplative Postulant Receives the Cross of Matará in the United States

117445019 1215843812095064 8642022593039122969 n - IVE America

Pizza Night in Taiwan

117399432 2918777668249498 8261477862415838252 o - IVE America

Cideprof in San Luis, Argentina

118158784 2709661149318272 1580165229343837899 o - IVE America

Birthday Party in the House of Mercy, St. Louis King of France in Peru

118083139 3442983025760855 7175322639274754522 o - IVE America

New IVE Press Editions, Philippines

118008159 1923021857834968 6651425913927660178 o - IVE America


Ordinations to the Priesthood and Diaconate in the Philippines

New Series: Firm in the Faith. “The Holy Rosary”(Spanish)

Missionary Adventure

Updates of La Fina (Our Seminary in Argentina – Spanish)

The Significance of Pilgrimage

Why Did I Become a Priest?

What is a Novice? (Spanish)

Daily Homilies (Spanish)

Renewal of the Consecration to Our Lady

Family Time

The Domestic Church Family

The Story of Manual Ovando (Promise of the Nine First Fridays)

I Will Attract all to My Heart

All is Promised to Prayer

History of the Monastery of Saydnaya

Novena to St. Maximillian Kolbe


Love and Study of Languages (Father Emmanuel Martelli, in Portuguese)

What is Vocation? (English)

What is Spiritual Direction (Portuguese)


117345619 3555177057860326 7777248332776950362 o - IVE America


109250597 2636181703315285 8392430789743455265 o - IVE America

117769474 2664440927156029 502019382612426228 o - IVE America

117787961 2664441017156020 6859489348753968233 o - IVE America

117864714 786947815382798 2167851870473066603 o - IVE America


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Institute of the Incarnate Word

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