Photos and videos of the week: October 9, 2020

12 October, 2020

Final and First Vows in Egypt

121068995 950300578784590 7385017686779687317 o - IVE America

121065522 950300252117956 3027831964769139574 o - IVE America

121064710 950305298784118 2355406276385052119 o - IVE America

121064203 950305212117460 4731084732864925895 o - IVE America

Tenth anniversary of Marcel Callo School in France

For the festivities, the Holy Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated, presided over by Monsignor Domenic. Present was Mother Corredentora, Superior General, Fr. Alfredo Alos, and Mother Queen of the Angels, respective superior of the “Our Lady of Lourdes” delegation.

120862461 4600880336620520 2235939818022388552 n - IVE America

7de494b4 cc0d 41d7 905a bff46880d0d5 - IVE America f4267d82 2297 402d 919a 77f43ef43deb - IVE America

120887532 4606147046093849 3577264105580592480 o - IVE America

First conference on St. John of Avila and a short talk in the monastery of El Pueyo, Spain.

121108389 1718715538291829 6083172843332600714 o - IVE America 121138560 1718715388291844 5839626361260324319 o - IVE America 120821981 1714756845354365 124188584668565780 o - IVE America

Vow of Marian slavery in Novitiate in Brazil

121046156 3136683423109078 8291225363824981944 o - IVE America

Dedication of the altar in the St. Teresa contemplative novitiate, Brazil

120721830 624358681589935 819357967046323308 n - IVE America 120728846 624358764923260 3555704142803697981 n - IVE America

Pilgrimage to Our Lady of France

The images are too eloquent. It is the pilgrimage of Our Lady of France through the five shrines built in the five places where the Blessed Virgin appeared in France during the nineteenth century: Rue du Bac, Paris (1830), La Salette (1846), Lourdes (1858), Pontman (1871) and Pellevoisin (1876). If an imaginary line joins the five sanctuaries, an “M” is formed, the M for Mary.

I had the grace of receiving the pilgrim Virgin in one of the villages of our parish. On July 5, she arrived in the afternoon with the pilgrims. With the faithful from my parish we received them with refreshments, a prayer vigil and dinner in the municipal hall. The next day I celebrated Mass and we accompanied her to the next village (12 kms).

The pilgrimage left on Monday, June 1st from two places: one wagon from La Salette and the other from Lourdes. Both were scheduled to arrive on Saturday, September 12, the day on which the two wagons would meet in Pellevoisin: the Eastern route (La Salette-Paris) and the Pest route (Lourdes-Pontman). Sunday was the closing with the Mass for the coronation of the Virgin. I had the grace to participate in this exciting conclusion.


Patron celebrations from the parish St. Therese in Sargatka, Russia

120912077 2866187256943253 6371349319852250740 n - IVE America

March for life in Berlin

From the Shrine of Maria Hilf in Germany, we were able to be present along with about 3,000 participants. Against the culture of death, a CULTURE OF LIFE can be built, a culture of love, of true love.

Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Zarvanytsia in Ukraine

121011211 218757946263722 4451623808201033712 o - IVE America

After the ordination in Ukraine first mass in the seminary in Italy

121020430 218792069593643 1459121575512457340 n - IVE America

Voces Verbi excursión in Germany

Beginning of the Academic year at the seminary and blessing of the House of Formation in Italy

121032323 1070770866713439 7572755570975524402 o - IVE America 121111594 1070870403370152 6220662732496561000 o - IVE America

Celebrations for the “Day of the Teacher” in Papua New Guinea

120955160 2727279614041080 5170100736427580456 o - IVE America

New Licentiates in Theology

120803601 3362142083834056 7943205886798933098 n - IVE America

Blessing of the new construction for the seminary in the Philippines

120516643 2741917762715970 3713173473948284289 o - IVE America

Newly consecrated to Mary Most Holy in Taichung

120962225 3075794119214518 4414160573344925592 o - IVE America

First Communions in Holland

120812744 2708982472701461 5087977806714765003 o - IVE America

Pilgrimages to the Cathedral of Taichung, Taiwan and to the Basilica of Guadalupe in Santa Fe, Argentina

120928172 3075784662548797 1173291664642416724 o - IVE America

120963680 830608494350063 8825012529847198429 n - IVE America

Oratory party in Lithuania

120818014 3505197469555957 3442583455848277168 o - IVE America 120845952 3505196162889421 2842956757784443096 o - IVE America

Feast of Saint Therese, co-patron of the Juniorate in the United States

120804672 1260862960926482 7552507587667843553 n - IVE America

Inauguration of the new soccer field in the international seminary in Italy

121198072 1070959373361255 7620448650423268145 o - IVE America

Spiritual Exercises in Egypt

120893292 178524887136441 7352723807320775036 o - IVE America

Popular mission in Watape, Papua New Guinea

1ba8b81d c518 4a10 ac44 37c02576ccc5 - IVE America

New contemplative novices and apostolic sisters in Italy

120610946 623737268318743 2396429815530468992 n - IVE America 120792225 623737308318739 246197080277838474 n - IVE America

The school in Tanzania

120999133 119038039961208 4540716210593500018 o - IVE America

Visit from the bishop for Holy Mass to start the school year in the girls dorm, Suriname

121129629 1264011657278279 1496485518679379210 n - IVE America 121139628 1264011937278251 7545026075056699906 n - IVE America

Feast of the Holy Angels, patrons of the school in the Home of Mercy for boys in Bethlehem

120750148 2810348075864767 5230105540287200336 n - IVE America

Course on preaching the Spiritual Exercises in the contemplative house of formation in Genoa

120626947 623921144967022 7898042550245922114 n - IVE America

Preparing for the Feast of the Pilar in Chimiche, Tenerife

121184770 382462479801982 513235140537238138 o - IVE America

Month of the Rosary in Taichung, Taiwan

120755351 3072059886254608 6961520136954825503 o - IVE America

Blessing of the camp in Pessines, France

121039064 339736394145997 3401381357832031508 o - IVE America

New website for the Province of Our Lady of Buenos Aires

120733432 826558978088348 5906666544727079124 o - IVE America


Replica of the Holy Shroud at the Mother house

Firm in the faith

Missionary Adventure

Your word is my word, a light on my path

Priestly dignity

The message of the Merciful Jesus

Daily homilies

In Portuguese

HB - IVE America

Litany of the Immaculate Conception

Interview to the contemplatives in Sardinia

The Holy Rosary

Baptism (Chinese)



121048582 2046420722154740 1365752651451251372 o - IVE America

121041576 1262573654088746 7904148589562388151 o - IVE America

120737016 1759122174240294 8597530299035665414 o - IVE America

121151661 912793309245098 8226273586024442386 o - IVE America 121162193 912793359245093 5845655248655570236 o - IVE America 121136092 912793262578436 1105042459575371156 o - IVE America

25th anniversary of the Incarnate Word Parish in Taichung, Taiwan

120333919 3387670944628521 9096439800850546286 n - IVE America

121154763 748278145573296 740217311758755387 o - IVE America

120324125 828250491252530 2089685319587946646 n - IVE America

121134295 2747233502184396 2754939694253370999 o - IVE America

120825457 188744576098366 9133263259999108835 n - IVE America

121064712 190088345963989 2097404690010519981 n - IVE America

120761003 3356602901054641 7502014910759668636 n - IVE America

120928216 4611021065606447 9037730957604177260 o - IVE America

120606521 3353321331382798 5198143909726117730 o 1 - IVE America

120932312 188794336093390 256392900240596305 n - IVE America

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Institute of the Incarnate Word

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