Photos and videos of the week: October 23, 2020

25 October, 2020

Feast of St. John Paul II, spiritual father of our religious family

The beginning of the series “Indelible Imprint” on St. John Paul II and the religious family

The Holy Mass live streamed for all those who participated in the novena, transmitted from the mother house. During the Mass, some religious professed their final vows.

All the Catechetical videos for the novena (Spanish)

The intentions of the novena were taken to the tomb of St. John Paul II

dd595964 5ade 48f6 ab36 22aaa3a8e8ee - IVE America 21c5c2e6 d0ad 4b18 83af 61ba55108d55 - IVE America


122239513 1734946586668724 709765859766436106 o - IVE America

Papua New Guinea

JPII papua nueva guinea - IVE America


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122393858 685796285392042 7522260313086075189 n - IVE America


122459844 3410393949008869 714758296880066744 o - IVE America

United States

122305548 185299503079559 3475221673936858039 o - IVE America


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tajikistan 1 - IVE America

Taipei, Taiwan

122270066 3118093481651248 6025686000663424641 o - IVE America

Kinmen, Taiwan

122546520 3117744618352801 2535208138383899320 o - IVE America

Monastery in Taiwan

122599625 3118102648316998 6398962240446417783 o - IVE America

Taichung, Taiwan

122246926 3117748748352388 972337047766139752 o - IVE America


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The Monastery in Taiwan

122165523 3706081772744109 1959035361418678673 n - IVE America

A Marian concert for the feast in Hong Kong

St. John Paul II college in San Rafael, Argentina

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St. John Paul II (Cantonese)

The silver jubilee of the parish in Taiwan

121949050 3104674186326511 2955698403778151424 o - IVE America

121741715 3851244551555356 6802084666684079381 o - IVE America

Final Vows in Poland and Albania

Our first vocation born in Poland, Sr. María Matka Miłosierdzia, professed her perpetual vows on the day of St. John Paul II in her homeland. It is worth noting that the vows were taken on the centenary of the birth of Pope John Paul II. The vow ceremony took place in the parish of St. Joseph in Wolsztyn built by her father. We thank God for this great grace.

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Sr. María Drita de Matireve, a native of Albania, made her final vows in her hometown on October 17.

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70 children receive First Holy Communion in Nyasa, Tanzania

122115182 131345555397123 591540218404975025 o - IVE America

37 adult Baptisms in Hong Kong

121554434 3851709271508884 6850823678685590428 o - IVE America

Ministries of Lector and Acolyte at Pope St. Vitalian seminary, Italy

122002731 3661234473921282 5670735558079989363 o - IVE America

A 72 km. pilgrimage to Our Lady of Cisne, Ecuador

122119175 349414589821534 542092314379495299 o - IVE America

First Communions in Alejandria, Egypt

121662638 668321654108419 5888150363421353552 n - IVE America

Reign oh Mary, Tanzania

122098484 4432620076812891 4046593016839569621 n - IVE America

A new child of God in the parish of St. Pio in Ecuador

122207803 1790007524487537 1975541046592842949 n - IVE America

A moment of recreation with the grandparents of the St. Martin of Tours home, Argentina

122095831 2776834395862092 342982886707833926 n - IVE America

A clinic in Tanzania

122539134 134551408409871 6416349027873706648 o - IVE America

The beginning of school activities in Alepo, Siria

121988665 688034095149713 2013972108421857856 o - IVE America

Spiritual Exercises in Lithuania

122090310 352415632844755 2122429816176059032 o - IVE America

Preparation of the mission center in the cathedral of Saintes, France

122271163 352615169524786 1181297953009120242 o - IVE America


The enthronment of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Philipines

121582890 3320543464647823 2749292008957825108 n - IVE America

Iconography course in the monastery in the Ukraine

122187361 635294657163004 7832092533913589865 n - IVE America

SSVM Novitiate pilgrimage in the United States

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Repairs in the novitiate chapel in Brazil

122213310 3173971052713648 92536605060123329 o - IVE America

Conference for university students, Turin

122084896 194538138852343 3837379684173536879 o - IVE America

80 students received Confirmation in Wauchula, United States

122350732 1274247969587981 2535328288610972147 o - IVE America

A pilgrimage of a group of young people from Harlem to St. Francis Xavier Cabrini

122178621 1273670022979109 7598623688910998122 o - IVE America

Volunteers in Holland

121736471 3544120485663655 6879673266224237059 o - IVE America

Olive picking in the House of Mercy “God Child” in Bethlehem

122084896 2822370507995857 9001261733664909946 n - IVE America

New website in French

122298581 418163219581706 4410479603096845906 o - IVE America

New website in Portuguese

122469184 635322573829721 1365671820812235855 o - IVE America

New website of Voces Verbi in Northern Europe

Link to the website


The defects of the saints – Firm in the Faith (Spanish)

Daily Homilies

Orchestra in Papua New Guinea

The Natural Order – Carlos Alberto Sacheri

Reign oh Mary – Ecuador

Prayers (English)

The Virgin Mary in the Sacred Scriptures (English)

The third excuse is: I don’t know how to pray (Cantonese)


Virtual Oratory “To the Heights”

Matins for all the saints

Material for praying Matins

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121784742 3477342298955271 6244512167408484676 o - IVE America






List of directions of how to follow the celebrations online

IVE Communication Team

Institute of the Incarnate Word

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