Photos and videos of the week: October 30, 2020

2 November, 2020

Seminarian Volodymyr Rudyi received Sub Diaconate in the Byzantine Rite, Rome

123138878 225274872278696 2274671883034833768 o - IVE America

Feast of St. John Paul II, spiritual Father of the Religious Family (Part II)

“Indelible Mark” Series on St. John Paul II and The Religious Family (link to all videos)

Reception of the Cassock, Philippines

122447609 2761033014137778 7873642222253145177 o - IVE America 122611086 2761033247471088 1938802664917280794 o - IVE America

Cathedral of Saints, blessing of the central mission in honor of John Paul II

122883758 357008055752164 5710142792826311794 o - IVE America 123094678 357007832418853 42235906232690683 o - IVE America

Blessing of the future house of formation, Philippines

122559402 1706985386118089 2890416875724349635 o - IVE America


123001962 704023213800613 6469889382690204643 o e1604077434536 - IVE America


122391588 413897980011877 852129791634048584 o - IVE America

Baghdad, Iraq

122711013 1017233835364669 7844845127843823029 o - IVE America


122699964 350858159677177 5203166057293604324 o - IVE America

Alexandria, Egypt

122766023 4691938367543198 4099991999414659519 n - IVE America

Province of the Immaculate Conception

122659836 1277255315953913 1254500942927160982 o - IVE America 122548977 1277254722620639 8728097032101780153 n - IVE America


122739145 4683666445008575 2919389361206441643 n - IVE America


122045273 3396673640413602 7436527536443417722 o - IVE America

122457165 3396800887067544 4283013409998384379 o - IVE America

House of Mercy for boys, Bethlehem

122431953 2828685884030986 6341133644486498338 n - IVE America


122806165 848907892520123 8620462921141558254 n - IVE America


122471851 974894172988888 1626243666929907471 o - IVE America


Two new lectors in the novitiate “Marcelo Javier Morsella”

122144811 2863119257250862 8710609526736558116 o - IVE America

First Profession in Ecuador

122867300 692039004767770 8883598161230610592 o - IVE America 122790849 692038814767789 4761305804345806810 o - IVE America

Feast of St. Antonio Galvão, Patron of the Novitiate, Brazil

122822558 3195942983849788 4938905793588299610 o - IVE America 123060925 3195942167183203 6508385082758448459 o - IVE America

Holy Mass for the Silver Jubilee of the mission in Brazil: Parish of the Incarnate Word

123166272 3554310187948626 1984485508036973488 n - IVE America

Renewal of the Consecration to the Sacred Heart in the international seminary, Italy

122803213 3685497944828268 1832543164769511124 o - IVE America

A sacrifice of praise, California, United States

Fatima Mass Adoration IVE and SSVM - IVE America

Feast of St. John Henry Newman, patron of the community in Cairo, Egypt

122775048 184616093193987 6498560781584133665 o - IVE America

Second vocational discernment session in the Holy Land

122693862 3536138323105345 6267398901584158118 o - IVE America

Missionary Stories from Tanzania

122641394 4453321884742710 4210080324921785215 n 1 - IVE America

122357973 4441575549250677 5377322458211098488 n - IVE America

122973388 4468352919906273 3168423799496230979 n - IVE America

The traveling Virgin on the day of her feast for through the streets of the parish in the Philippines

122822907 1780237405462104 4150362971931177301 o - IVE America 123071994 1780237568795421 6289270027503417363 o - IVE America

Spiritual Exercises in Lithuania

122890035 358385355581116 4517292629004164982 o - IVE America

Feast of the Lord of the Miracle in the Home of Mercy, Alberque De Iquitos, Peru

122609664 3410917838989182 7125867292652692303 n - IVE America

122490361 3405042226243410 3076265600556717869 n - IVE America

Images of the Mission in the Salomon Islands

122996909 3885400318139779 8132472032026260468 n - IVE America

Visit from the Bishop to one of the parishes in the Ukraine

122120610 1002200843636690 7431141029329916873 o - IVE America

Pilgrimage to the places where St. Catherine of Siena went in Avignon, France

122997755 4699742553400964 3937189124143415019 n - IVE America

Pilgrimage with Voces Verbi, Paraguay

123005242 848913432519569 4195527130336835967 n - IVE America

122741006 848913239186255 4403163622211172005 n - IVE America

Renovations in the novitiate chapel, Brazil

Prolife activities with the youth: Mankato, United States

123164645 3804649859579710 5297360790256689248 o - IVE America

Birthday celebrations for Fr. Enrique, Syria

122555785 3770875222947066 7029352947767393260 o - IVE America

Classes resume in Gaza

122766701 193710415545856 6665877145965640671 n - IVE America

Games in the courtyard of the church dedicated to the children, Baghdad, Iraq

122886922 1018875258533860 9203023667372511316 o - IVE America

The food pantry is open daily in Our Lady of Luján Parish, Philippines

122789837 1780199945465850 724530767697111344 o - IVE America 122770002 1780199995465845 5669163293709153414 o - IVE America


Tired of Egoism? – Firm in the Faith

Help the formation of a future missionary

St. Augustine, his relics and tomb in Pavia

Daily Homilies



Saints and the veneration of their relics, France

Holiness, (English)

Good mornings to the Fathers (French)

Feast of All Saints vs. Halloween

Biographical features of Alfredo Bufano

God in our interior, (English)


Matins of All Saints

122807759 2864894340406687 6585594348974576766 n - IVE America

Material to pray Matins

122892325 929389520918810 8351859842345346300 o - IVE America

121098716 1762394813913030 2004523367575149850 n - IVE America

122500479 1799105406911082 7821641646473447731 n - IVE America

122825972 2761798037394609 3372025684530309465 n - IVE America

122446511 3493894930696280 3836462526835809212 o - IVE America

122716788 3678186345558178 4889074927628118283 o - IVE America

123023032 3390005067763417 4144252512626924742 o - IVE America

123012394 2305308216282439 6822658771704289219 o - IVE America

123057271 2304040439742550 2977349591798515956 o - IVE America

122295998 3795926330452063 4465633210530476140 o - IVE America


List of directions of how to follow the celebrations online

IVE Communication Team

Institute of the Incarnate Word

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