We are Conquerors in Christ Jesus

24 March, 2021

“…in all these thigs we conquer overwhelmingly through Him Who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.” (Rom. 8:37-39

As the 48th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade approached, the March for Life, which is held every year in Washington DC, was canceled because of the Covid-19. While we could not go to march in D.C. this year we were able to go to the city of Philadelphia to march for justice, peace, and for the dignity and right of all human life, united with all those who are pro-life in the whole country, trusting in God Who is our Hope.

Sr. Merciful Love and I traveled from Avondale, Pennsylvania to join our Religious Family for the first time ever in the March for Life in Philadelphia. We began the day with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at the Cathedral presided by Archbishop Nelson Perez. And after, we brought Christ to the streets as we began the March. In the 32-degree weather, our little group carried the IVE spirit of joy and gratitude for life, by singing, dancing and making joyful noise to the Lord. We know that all of our Religious Family were united with us spiritually even though they could not all be physically present.

Half way through the March, we passed an abortion clinic which was open and active. While we passed the clinic, we prayed the Holy Rosary, a very powerful weapon in the fight for life. The escorts were mocking us all by videotaping us and laughing while we passed. The March ended at Independence Hall and then we listened to some speakers including Archbishop Nelson Perez, testifying about the dignity of human life. The March and rally finished with a final blessing and all departed to go and fight the battle around the country, proclaiming and living the love of God in every day life. We returned home with great fervor and hearts burning with love and hope, knowing that Jesus Christ has won the victory over death.

Let us continue to pray for our nation and its leaders, for the end to the culture of death, and to live as witnesses to the dignity of every human life.

Viva la Virgen!
Viva Cristo Rey!
In the Incarnate Word,
Sr. Mary Faithful Virgin, SSVM
Missionary in Avondale, Pennsylvania

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