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Evangelizing the Culture v3 1 - IVE America
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Consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The devotion to the Sacred Heart is nothing other than devotion to the Person of the Redeemer, in whose love consists all the perfection of Christian life and of the consecrated life

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One cannot be an apostle without being creative; and without being creative, one cannot be a missionary.

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Every vocation is born from the encounter of two freedoms: that which is Divine, and that which is human.

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The Incarnation.

Priests, consecrated religious, and third order laity working to Prolong the Incarnation of The WORD in every man and in every culture.

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& Marian

Members of the Institute of the Incarnate Word are by essence “missionary” and “Marian”. The WORD was Incarnate first through Mary, and through Mary He will become Incarnate in every man.

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Adorers of
the Eucharist.

Outside the Holy Mass, an IVE Priest also manifests the Institute’s devotion to the Holy Eucharist through daily adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

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the Culture​

To evangelize, we must first be evangelized, because true insertion occurs when we carry out a true evangelizing action with our life in all the places in which we are.

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Know the Incarnate Word

Publications from the Missionaries & Apostolates Around The Province

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Meet the First Bishop of Our Religious Family
Bishop Teodor Matsapula Interview

Our Charism

The specific charism of our Institute requires all its members to work in supreme docility to the Holy Spirit and according to the example of the Virgin Mary, so that Jesus Christ will be the Lord of all that is truly human, even in the most difficult situations and under the most adverse conditions.

This charism is the grace to know how to work concretely so as to extend the presence of Christ in families, education, the mass media, the scholarly, and in all other legitimate manifestations of human life. It is the gift of making each person “like a new Incarnation of the Word” (Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity), thus fulfilling our essential call to be missionaries and Marian.

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Institute of Incarante Word

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    How We Evangelize Culture

    Constitutions n. 16

    In a special way, we will be devoted to preaching the Word of God, sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb 4:12), in all its forms by: teaching Sacred Scripture, theology, the Church Fathers, liturgy, catechesis, ecumenism, etc.; conducting outreach missions and preaching the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola; preaching through works of charity, especially in the service of the most needy (abandoned children, the handicapped, the sick, the elderly); searching for and forming suitable ministers of the Word through the publication of journals, treatises, books, etc. We want to spread the Word through verbal and written communication.


    We want to devote ourselves to the specific work of catechesis, participating in the prophetic office of Christ, convinced that the more the Church teaches catechism, the more She strengthens the faith of Her members.

    Works of charity

    Our religious family humbly desires through the works of charity to, on the one hand, love God by means of helping our needy neighbors and, on the other hand, to show men the merciful love of God towards mankind.


    We will give special attention to spreading the Gospel through articles in research journals, periodicals, essays, books, and other kinds of publications. What is written remains and is more widely disseminated.

    Spiritual Exercises

    The school of the Spiritual Exercises will always be an effective remedy for the evil of modern man, who is dragged by the whirlwind of human vicissitudes to live outside of himself, excessively absorbed by external things.
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    Popular Missons

    We want to renew the life of the Church by preaching popular missions or missions ad intra. We are certain of the effectiveness of this traditional way of bringing the Gospel to those who have lost their faith and grace.


    Any religious dedicated to the educational apostolate will try to immerse himself in an absolute and total love for the truth. He will work such that the Gospel principles may effectively influence the lives of men.


    Every liturgical celebration, because it is an action of Christ the High Priest and of His Body, the Church, is a sacred action surpassing all others. Through the liturgy, Christ continues the work of our redemption in, with, and through His Church.

    Spreading the Word

    One of our principal apostolates is preaching the Word of God, a Word that is sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb 4:12). The religious involved in this apostolate should live in intimate union with Christ and unconditional love for souls.

    The Religious family

    Priest, Consecrated Religious, Third Order Laity.

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    Religious Family of the Incarnate Word

    On March 25, 1984, the day that Pope John Paul II consecrated the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we began in San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina. After 20 years, we were approved by Bishop Andrea M. Erba as an institute of diocesan right. 

    Our founder wanted our Religious Family to be named “of the Incarnate Word”, in order to honor the greatest event of history, an event which cannot be surpassed by any other: the Incarnation of the Son of God.

    Our religious experience began in the Diocese of San Rafael, a small and humble diocese in Argentina, located in a picturesque southern region of Mendoza Province, very close to the Andes. The beginning of the religious experience providentially coincided with the Solemnity of the Incarnation of Word, March 25, 1984, which is our main feast… 

    Missionary & Contemplative Priests, Deacons, and Religious Brothers.

    Missionary Sisters & Contemplative Sisters.

    Lay families and Young Adults wishing to share in our spirituality.


    Our Missionaries throughout the Province

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