The Institute is working in more than 40 countries around the world.
In our province alone, there is much need of your support in prayers, but also in financial assistance. If you would like to support a mission in particular, please click on the “Donate” button below.
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Support those men entering religious life at the St. Isaac Jogues & Companion Martyrs Novitiate.
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Dear friends,
One of the priorities we have at our mission in Papua New Guinea is the education of more than 400 children and youth who attend the parochial school here in Vánimo. It is always a challenge to sow in these souls, whom God has entrusted to us, the seeds of truth which is necessary for them to bear fruit in their souls.
In this sense, we are looking to build suitable classrooms for their education (since currently the space and the school facilities are not suitable for the number of students). Along with this is our desire to build a worthy church where we can have the Eucharistic celebrations with them…
We are aware that the objective is broad but one of the most effective means to achieve them would be to obtain a portable sawmill machine, which would allow us to get wood at a very low cost for this project. Thank God here in Papua there are plenty of trees suitable for this type of work, and there are already people willing to donate, but we need this machine in order to prepare it for construction:
This would save us a lot of money if we compare it with the costs of the material that is bought in the markets and, besides, it would be a very useful means to help the people at the mission build decent homes (which in many cases, they don’t have).
That is why we appeal to your generosity, so that with your help, we can make this project a reality.
Thank you very much,
God bless you,
Fr. Martin Prado
Missionary in Papua New Guinea
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